LaSalle College Jakarta Sahid Office Boutique Unit C - F (Komp. Hotel Sahid Jaya) Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 86 Jakarta 10220
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions Library
Q: Bagaimana cara akses web library ?
A: Please see the Web Library Website
Q: Bagaimana Cara saya Pinjam Buku ?
A: Please see the web Library Website
Q: Bagaimana Cara mencari Judul buku ?
A: Please see the Web Library Website Setelah km buka Web Library maka Klik Kolom Cataloque lalu ketikkan
Judul buku yg kamu akan cari di Kolom Simple Search.
Q: How to return the book to Library ?
A: Dear Colleagues, Additional safety and health measures have been implemented in our campus for urgent and/or important matters that require
campus visit. for returning book please use a delivery courier like Grab or Gojek and may send to campus ( Sent to Div : Library )
Q: Bagaimana bila meminta surat keterangan untuk bebas Pinjam/Internship/Skripsi/dll?
A: Silahkan mengisi form di link web ini lalu tunggu konfirmasi dan Librarian akan mengecek Validasi apakah km masih ada peminjaman
buku dll.
Q: Bagaimana Cara saya Pinjam E-Book ?
A: Library Lasalle College Jkt menyediakan E-Book dan cukup diakses menggunakan Akun Gmail. Setelah mengisi Form di Link ini km akan
masuk ke Library E-Book Cek email km setelah kamu mengisi form ini, Library akan kirim link untuk Join E-Book. Please see the Web
Q : Apakah ada Buku Panduan Perpustakaan Sekolah Tinggi Desain Lasalle?
A: Untuk lebih lengkapnya kamu bisa mendownload buku Panduan library di link ini :
A: Please see the Web Library Website
Q: Bagaimana Cara saya Pinjam Buku ?
A: Please see the web Library Website
Q: Bagaimana Cara mencari Judul buku ?
A: Please see the Web Library Website Setelah km buka Web Library maka Klik Kolom Cataloque lalu ketikkan
Judul buku yg kamu akan cari di Kolom Simple Search.
Q: How to return the book to Library ?
A: Dear Colleagues, Additional safety and health measures have been implemented in our campus for urgent and/or important matters that require
campus visit. for returning book please use a delivery courier like Grab or Gojek and may send to campus ( Sent to Div : Library )
Q: Bagaimana bila meminta surat keterangan untuk bebas Pinjam/Internship/Skripsi/dll?
A: Silahkan mengisi form di link web ini lalu tunggu konfirmasi dan Librarian akan mengecek Validasi apakah km masih ada peminjaman
buku dll.
Q: Bagaimana Cara saya Pinjam E-Book ?
A: Library Lasalle College Jkt menyediakan E-Book dan cukup diakses menggunakan Akun Gmail. Setelah mengisi Form di Link ini km akan
masuk ke Library E-Book Cek email km setelah kamu mengisi form ini, Library akan kirim link untuk Join E-Book. Please see the Web
Q : Apakah ada Buku Panduan Perpustakaan Sekolah Tinggi Desain Lasalle?
A: Untuk lebih lengkapnya kamu bisa mendownload buku Panduan library di link ini :
Dear Students,
LaSalle College Jakarta is preparing for one platform Microsoft Teams to deliver online class learning. Please read the following points
1. Watch this training video so you will be familiar with the Microsoft Teams platform
2. How to connect, you must install Microsoft Teams APP. Here is the link :
i. Click For Windows ii. Click For Mac iii. Click For Android
3. Please be prepared for the Microsoft Teams App, make sure its already installed and wait for more information from your teacher.
4. Procedure Microsoft Teams for student Here is the link
5. Procedure Microsoft Teams for Teacher Here is the link
6. FAQ Transcript Record and Certificate, COMMENCEMENT (Graduation) Requirement, Learning Mode and Schedule, Complaints, Alumni,
Omnivox, Teacher, Finance, FAQ For MS Teams Here is the link
7. Remote Learning Conduct and Requirement for Student. Here is the link
8. Academic Calender 2025 Here is the link
LaSalle College Jakarta is preparing for one platform Microsoft Teams to deliver online class learning. Please read the following points
1. Watch this training video so you will be familiar with the Microsoft Teams platform
2. How to connect, you must install Microsoft Teams APP. Here is the link :
i. Click For Windows ii. Click For Mac iii. Click For Android
3. Please be prepared for the Microsoft Teams App, make sure its already installed and wait for more information from your teacher.
4. Procedure Microsoft Teams for student Here is the link
5. Procedure Microsoft Teams for Teacher Here is the link
6. FAQ Transcript Record and Certificate, COMMENCEMENT (Graduation) Requirement, Learning Mode and Schedule, Complaints, Alumni,
Omnivox, Teacher, Finance, FAQ For MS Teams Here is the link
7. Remote Learning Conduct and Requirement for Student. Here is the link
8. Academic Calender 2025 Here is the link
Microsoft Teams
Watch this training
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